Monday 10 October 2011

SP - My Coursework Pitch

As i only had 2 minutes to do my Coursework Pitch in, i decided to use a PowerPoint Presentation to add more visuals to my idea. It was also to allow my class mates time to see my whole idea in alot of information. In the time i had i could only say so much. The PowerPoint was to try and bolster my efforts to persuade people to choose my idea.

Here is my PowerPoint Presentation:

My Course Work Pitch Idea

Our Media Technician, John Cockshaw, filmed my whole Coursework Pitch which included a question and answer session at the end of it if any of my class mates didnt understand any of my idea or why they should choose my music video.

Here is my Coursework Pitch for the music video Wonderwall by Oasis:

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